Fact of Mosquito

Mosquitoes in the House: When these pests find their way inside through open doors or windows, they usually rest in dark, hidden areas within the house, but will come out at night to take a blood meal. Homeowners sometimes find mosquitoes under sinks or in closets and laundry rooms, but they are most common in backyards. Some species of mosquitoes like to rest in thick vegetation and wait for a suitable host to come near.

Mosquitoes in the Yard: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so properties near ponds, marshes, and depressions that collect rainwater are at risk. Some mosquito species are active at different times of the day, but most emerge just before dusk and are active at night.

Mosquitoes & Diseases


Filariasis, Encephalitis




Yellow fever, Dengue


Lymphatic Filariasis

Mosquitoes Life Cycle

Facts to Remember